
Maryanne Ventrice Band Photography @ Con Artist Gallery

Con Artist Gallery is a collective dedicated to showcasing a rotating line-up of artists, designed as a one-night-only event on Wednesdays, down under through the steel grate on 119 Ludlow Street. Brian Sevrin is the creator of the workshop/artists collective, where items produced on the premises by the members are sold in the front half of the space, and the workshop turned gallery in the rear. The Con Artist concept is to bypass the gallery system creating opportunities for artists to show their work and connect within a community.

Last night Con Artist featured the band photography by Maryanne Ventrice entitled “More Guitar In The Monitor.” Maryanne has become a staple in the indie music scene documenting bands in Brooklyn and Manhattan since 2007 in venues like Death by Audio, Union Hall, Cake Shop, and Bruar Falls. She is there with her heavy bag of tools and workhorse ethic if there is a show. Her DIY approach to photography and honest, no-nonsense shooting reflects the love she brings to the genre of band photography. She has the patience to capture moments instead of going for the obvious. 

I have seen her work at many shows where she unobtrusively moves around to document different angles or crowd interactions. Just as straightforward as Maryanne is as a person, her gallery debut was no different. Sheets of photo paper dangled unframed from wires attached to the ceiling pipes around the room's perimeter. Her non-pretentious work hung like classic compositions displaying the beauty of The National’s lead singer Matt Berninger intertwined with the mic chord, or James Harvey of Drink Up Buttercup, his hands rising up in the air to soak up the enthusiastic crowd and capturing the intensity of lead singer Patrick Stickles of Titus Andronicus. Maryanne is a no-frills woman, totally is who she is, honest, hard-working, and approachable. To me, she is a “Trooper Photographer” whose efforts contribute to moving the music culture forward.

Flicker Set List of Photos Displayed:
The Lisps, Union Hall / Liars, Bowery Ballroom / Hopewell, Death By Audio / Dinowalrus, Cake Shop / Choir of Young Believers, Le Poisson Rouge / Drink Up Buttercup, Bruar Falls / We Were Promised Jet Packs, Bowery Ballroom / Get Haunted, Littlefield / The Dears, The Bell House / Tim Fite, The Bell House / Tokyo Police Club, Bowery Ballroom / Holly Miranda, Mercury Lounge / Band of Horses, Bowery Ballroom / Liam Finn, The Bell House / Sian Alice Group, Mercury Lounge / Black Taxi, Blender Theater / The Wrens, Bowery Ballroom / Titus Andronicus, Galapagos / Grooms, Knitting Factory / Fanfarlo, Piano’s / Free Energy, Littlefield / Frightened Rabbit, Webster Hall / Novella, Glasslands / The Bell House / Great Lake / Drink Up Buttercup, Music Hall of Williamsburg / A Place To Bury Strangers, Europa / Japandroids, Swimmers, The Bell House / The National, Bowery Ballroom / Kyp Malone, Rain Machine /The Bell House / Serena Maneesh, Mercury Lounge / Pet Shop Boys, Hammerstein Ballroom /


Drink Up Buttercup; Hot @ Northside Festival

Drink Up Buttercup @ Northside Festiva

Drink Up Buttercup cools the heat on a hot night at Berry Park in Brooklyn, leaving their garbage cans behind and clearing the air for the sound of upgraded instruments and urgent harmonies. DUB clicks on the refresh button playing their familiar songs from their release Born and Thrown on a Hook with a refreshing twist making a live experience never stale and full of surprises.

Drink Up Buttercup @ Northside Festiva

I like to document the band's visual sets, and new additions are optical illusion amps and the colorful use of duct tape. The mannequin's mouth was covered with duct tape masking a human expression from an inanimate object. But no one there was expressionless, and this blogger, as usual, could not be contained.
Spending time with photographer Maryanne Ventrice is always a treat, her shots can be seen here at the Brooklyn Vegan, and below is the flyer for her gallery show this week.

Monitor 8PM Image


Happy Birthday To Me

Obsession Collection Music
In June of 2006, Obsession Collection Music was born, and I haven't looked back.


The Cool Sound of Ava Luna "Clips"

I first became aware of Ava Luna while scrolling my daily site visits. If You Make It (Pink Couch Sessions) is one of them. The sound Ava Luna created sitting on the crowded pink couch was different than anything previously uploaded on the site and kind of intoxicating. So by complete and utter chance, I ran into two band members on a cold winter night as we waited outside a music loft event to see Vio Mire. I said, "aren't you the band Ava Luna, I loved your video" They were kind of taken aback since the video went up on the site that day. This video features the song "Clips," creating a sound of roughed-up electronic soul combined with out-of-this-world girl harmonies. Two obvious influences are a mix of Dirty Projectors and Jamie Lidell. What could be better?


North Highlands Kick off Sound Bites Music Series

North Highlands

With scenic views and a breezy tempo Sound Bites, Bill Pearis kicked off his curatorial gig by booking bands for the South Street Seaport's festival summer season. Every Wednesday in June, starting at noon, Pearis will put on his DJ hat for an hour of tunes, followed by the scheduled band. Its formal title is Sound Bites Lunchtime Series, and it's free!

This Sunday during Memorial Day weekend, North Highlands, a Brooklyn quintet fronted on keys and lead vocals by Brenda Malvini, graced the stage. They played accessible and contagious music that was bouncy, poppy, and dreamy. The folk instruments like the mandolin and violin were delightfully integrated into an orchestral mix of keys, drums, and electric guitar. The drumming was especially awesome.

Brenda's voice has a smooth tonality with playful breathy aspects that are immediately endearing. When the band revs up in intensity, her voice and mannerisms animate to engage the audience. North Highlands is a tight and spunky band that has lots of heart. I loved them.

The line to buy North Highlands EP "Sugarlips" were longer than I expected. It was nice to see random passersby willing to shell out the dough for an unknown band.

If you can, don't miss June 2nd, Air Waves, June 9th, The Austin McCutchen Quartet, June 16th, Ribbons, June 23rd, The Beets, and June 30th, Toys, and Tiny Instruments Band.

Flickr Set HERE


Director Features Hop Along, Song "Sally"

Hop Along

Back in September Frances Quinlan of the Hop Along (the band) formally known as Hop Along Queen Ansleis (her solo effort), gave me her beautiful vinyl record Wretches released on Salinas Records. 


Jive Grave, Geo Wyeth's current project Live @ The Rockwood

Jive Grave @Rockwood Music Hall

I will follow the talented Geo Wyeth and any name, project, or direction he chooses to create. Going it solo for the past two years as Novice Theory, Geo has assembled a line-up of talented musicians to bring his ideas to fuller fruition with Jive Grave. His incredible skill as a solo performer is not lost in collaboration.

Wyeth is an accomplished pianist but has taken up the guitar with remarkable results. Hitting the strings instead of the keys and combining notes and chords with original results. The night at the Rockwood Music Hall on April 28th, the guitar was featured. Bravely he coordinated looping and brought out the nylon string guitar and harmonica for a folk song dedicated to his father.

The band of sax, flute, bass, and two drummers created a dynamic mix of Wyeth's original songs with a fusion of Jazz, rock, and folk. It was the unexpected that made the set such a delight to hear.
Don't miss Jive Grave at Arlene's Grocery this Tuesday, May 18th, and other NY dates are listed HERE.


Hell No, Art Event / Brooklyn


Hell No, an art event at Convent of Saint Cecilla in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, curated by David Fierman and RJ Supa, is scheduled to kick off on April 30th.
Press release:
The artists’ varied work deals with issues of violence, abstraction, sexuality, reflection, medicine, science, religion, consumer culture and its detritus, and art history, among other wide ranging topics. HELL, NO! aims to find the commonalities amongst the discord, to find the thematic and formal links that bring a cohesion to the chaos. Further, the space itself, a worn out, bare bones, beautiful and eerie former convent plays as much a role in the show as the art itself. Its quiet dignity, holding on in the face of half-finished and decaying glass towers surrounding it, presents a final HELL, NO!, reminiscent of the nuns who once inhabited it, working furiously to ward off condemnation and oblivion.
featuring RJ Supa, Leidy Churchman, Lucas Michael, Becky Brown, Wardell Milan, Jeremy Eilers, Richard Ziello, Matthew Kirk, Faren Ziello, Michael Mahalchick, Beth Beverly, Jaimes Mayhew, Amanda Maher, Cyle Metzger, Benjamin Fredrickson, Victoria Keddie, Hank Shedd, Gretchen Winterkorn, Carter, Titus Kaphar, Jaeeun Lee, Joshua Johnson, Davina Semo, Juan Bethancurt, Mike Kenney, Michael Hilsman, Julie Opperman, Virginia Vergera, Nora Griffin, Elias Melad, Marianna Ellenberg, Michael Rudokas, and more!

Earlier this spring, Fierman staged an art performance event to Save The Starlite Lounge in Crown Heights, the oldest "non-discriminating" African-American-owned bar in the city, from eviction. The performances were kitschy, edgy, theatrical, interactive, diverse, and fun. The Karaoke Queen Lady Jasmin, resident drag queen of the Starlite, was the master of ceremony, taking the Karaoke genre to mesmerizing levels.
See pictures Here featuring: Ryan McNamara, Lucas Michael, Fetchin' Gretchen, Black Waterfall, Bobby Service, Kalup Linzy, Michael Mahalchick, Dynasty Handbag, RJ Supa, and Lady Jasmin.


Crackerfarm Works His Magic On Langhorne Slim Video

Langhorne Slim @ Bell House

works his magic, quietly capturing all the grit and insane energy of Langhorne Slim live, creating a montage video of spliced-together shots of the band playing the song "Cinderella" at different venues.
I got a cameo dancing and received a lovely kiss from the stage at The Bell House @ 1:39 Vimeo time. “Cinderella” flirts with the listener, offering a soulful wink with the help of honkey tonk swing and an enthusiastic boy chorus. OCM 11/ 09
Crackerfarm's YouTube Channel


Langhorne Slim; Stomping @ City Winery live review

Langhorne Slim @ City Winery

Langhorne Slim filled the beautiful City Winery with a soul-fiery epic performance. They made the 21,000-square-foot space feel intimate, crazy, and spontaneous. When it was over, I was drenched and satisfied in Langhorne Love.

City Winery is rustic chic, and spacious, with tables and patrons ready for music, dinner, and drinks. I Franky didn't know what to expect. I have seen Langhorne Slim so many times but rarely at a seated venue.

Langhorne managed to excite all the sitters and somehow got everyone to stand, clap and dance. At one point, he hopped out deep through the seats leaving the mic and band on stage. Still, there was no dead air, the audience just filled right in. He welcomed people up to dance and generally orchestrated a two-hour-long set.

They selected a broad range of songs and mixed everything up between acoustic, solo, and full band crowd pleasers like "Cinderella," "I Love to Dance," "In the Midnight," and "Mary." It was beautifully timed and selected but totally at the moment.

Langhorne naturally gives his fans and any audience his complete and undivided attention, and the awesome band Malachi Delorenzo (drums), David Moore (banjo/keyboard), and Jeff Ratner (bass) kept up with his every move, and that ain't easy!
Flickr Set documents the many facets of the set!