Langhorne’s signature voice is sweet but on this recording the rough edges reek with soulful timber. It is no surprise that his inspirational music hero is Otis Redding. Bringing this inspiration to fruition is Slims hard guitar pickn’, the duo The War Eagles Paul Defiglia on stand-up bass, Malichi DeLorenzo on drums, with guest player Sam Kassirer on Wurlitzer, piano and accordion. The tuba and trombone are bonus entries.
Combined, create a soulful hoedown, rollicking folk raucous, swaggerific bluesy folkabilly and fierce exhilarating mix. DeLorenzo’s drumming is kick-ass good, his acute timing accelerates to take you higher. Creative treatments by the production efforts of Malachi Delorenzo and Sam Kassirer lend distinct detailing to the sound, like in the song “Sometimes” a distant sequence of noises descend and artful clapping ensues, or the choral ooh ooh's in “Hello Sunshine”. This band is tight and the added textures, sparkle.
The bowing of the stand-up bass is innovatively accented on the first track “Spinning Compass” and zydeco style accordion accompanies the sing-along conclusion. The wit and philosophical leanings kills in “Rebel Side Of Heaven” / though we have sinned / we ain’t going to hell / we’re going to the rebel side of heaven /. The tuba blows as bass accents, the trombones short repetitive styling, humming chord progression of the Wurlitzer, banging piano keys and vocals that relish the sentiment expressed with a giant wink. “She’s Gone” starts with a cool cooing sound. Midway the clink and clank percussion breaks up the song and the soulful screaming, bluesy keys and incredible drumming bring on the great chorus / she’s gone / I’m staying / I’m nobody /. I need to come up for air and then comes Colette….
Colette, Shit this song rules. Slims voice is the best I’ve ever heard it. Slow and steady it slowly comes on. / All I wanted was a song and a close friend / we stepped into the light and took pictures of each other / some are in black and white / the others in color / . Then it steps up with a soulful exuberance / Here she comes! / Here she comes! / Here she comes! / with accordion right on queue. Expressing new love and the breathless moment of anticipation, wow even I want to see Colette.
The slow and soulful “Diamonds and Gold” is my new mantra. / You can have all the diamonds / you can have all the gold / but someday your still going to get old / you got to learn to get happy along the way /. “Tipping Point” is rootsy folky and rollicking with fast paced zany rappin’, guitar pluckin’ hard-ass stand-up and amazing shuffle drumming. / I got so hung up / I said HI_DE _HO / the tipping point / the tipping point / WOWWW…. In keeping with folk styling “Oh Honey” is aligned with the best folk standards focusing on guitar, bass and vocals. / We must walk alone sometimes but oh honey / won’t you let me be / I just love it!
Ending slow and softly with “Hummingbird”. / I’ve been leaning on you without reason or truth / I’m leaving my demons / and the first one I’m leaving is you /. Well love can pull you through but sometimes you got to go it alone.
Yes I am a fan, but I also have ears that hear and a heart that still can be moved. I’m in love with this collection of songs, they make me happy along the way, and that is a basic necessity.
I've seen this group eight times live. Press labels and read more about the hardest working band around!!!!
View headlining tour dates on: Langhorne Slim MySpace
Shot by Andrew David Watson freelance filmmaker